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2025 Budget Survey

This survey is being conducted to encourage dialogue with Penetanguishene residents, as the Town begins the 2025 budget process. As part of the Town’s customer service strategy, the Town works hard to provide opportunities for residents to provide their input on various topics. We hope that this survey enables you to share your thoughts with Council and Staff on financial matters and budget priorities for the Town of Penetanguishene.

This Survey is anticipated to close on Monday, September 30, 2024, and a summary of the results will be presented at our 2025 Budget Public Consultations to be held on November 6, 2024 at 3:00 PM at the Penetanguishene Memorial Community Centre and a second public consultation will be held at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers.

Thank you for participating in our 2025 Budget Survey. Your comments are greatly appreciated.


Carrie Robillard, CPA, CGA 

Director of Finance/Treasurer

705-549-7453 x210



How many people live in your household?

* required

What is the age of the person filling out this survey?

* required

How would you prefer to receive information regarding the Town of Penetanguishene’s budget and budget process?

* required
Environmental (Water and Wastewater)
Road Network
Sidewalks + Roadside
Administration (Customer Service, Budget pf Finance, Information Availability, Human Resources, Health & Safety, Computers/IT, Security, Legal, Insurance and General Equipment)
Police Services (OPP visibility, Response for service and Crime prevention)
Fire Services (Fire suppression, Prevention, Inspections and Education)
Winter Control (Snow clearing, Snow removal, Salting and Sanding)
Arena & Community Centre (Services, Programs and Facility)
Parks, Sportsfields and Trails (Baseball diamonds, Courts, Park amenities and Grounds maintenance)
Museum (Services, Programs and Facility)
Library (Services, Programs and Facility)
Development Services (Planning applications and Building permits)
Recreation and Community Services (Recreation programs, Active Transportation)
Community Support (Scholarships, Grants, Subsidies, Contributions to Other Organizations)
Signs, Signals & Lighting (Signs, Traffic signals and Streetlights)
Council Governance
Events (Special events coordinated by the Town i.e. Winterama, Amphitheatre programming, etc.)
Municipal Law Enforcement (By-law and Parking enforcement, Inspections and Animal control)
Wharf Dockage & Launch Ramp
Tourism & Economic Development (Tourist Information Centre, Small business support, retention, expansion and attraction)
Transit (Bus transportation service)
Environmental (Water and Wastewater)
Road Network
Sidewalks + Roadside
Administration (Customer Service, Budget + Finance, Information Availability, Human Resources, Health & Safety, Computers/IT, Security, Legal, Insurance and General Equipment)
Police Services (OPP visibility, Response for service and Crime prevention)
Fire Services (Fire suppression, Prevention, Inspections and Education)
Winter Control (Snow clearing, Snow removal, Salting and Sanding)
Arena & Community Centre (Services, Programs and Facility)
Parks, Sportsfields and Trails (Baseball diamonds, Courts, Park amenities and Grounds maintenance)
Museum (Services, Programs and Facility)
Library (Services, Programs and Facility)
Development Services (Planning applications and Building permits)
Recreation and Community Services (Recreation programs, Active Transportation)
Community Support (Scholarships, Grants, Subsidies, Contributions to Other Organizations)
Signs, Signals & Lighting (Signs, Traffic signals and Streetlights)
Council Governance
Events (Special events coordinated by the Town i.e. Winterama, Amphitheatre programming, etc.)
Municipal Law Enforcement (By-law and Parking enforcement, Inspections and Animal control)
Wharf Dockage & Launch Ramp
Tourism & Economic Development (Tourist Information Centre, Small business support, retention, expansion and attraction)
Transit (Bus transportation service)

Which statement best represents your position regarding taxation in the Town of Penetanguishene?

* required

Given all the programs and services provided by the Town of Penetanguishene, how would you rate the value you are receiving for your tax dollars?

* required