STR Licensing By-law Draft #3
On August 10, 2022 staff presented a revised version of the STR Licensing By-law for consideration. The tracked changes version of the by-law is available on the Council agenda on page 59 here:
Staff received additional comments from Council and will return with an updated draft of the By-law on September 14, 2022.
The staffing resources and implementation timeline was approved by Council on August 10 and staff will proceed with implementing a part-time bylaw enforcement officer as well engaging a third-party STR compliance system to manage the licensing system. More information on the implementation strategy is available on page 386 of the July 13 Committee of the Whole agenda here:
Further information on implementation and key milestones will be provided soon. Staff anticipate the by-law to be implemented by January 1, 2023.
Consultation has concluded